What is Proper Seated Posture?
There are many jobs that require prolonged sitting. Prolonged sitting is a frequent cause of back and neck pain. And while extended periods of sitting are best avoided, for many, it’s a fact of life.
When sitting, it’s important to keep the back straight, knees bent, and head centered over the shoulders. Slouching forward may be comfortable and allow the spinal muscles to relax but gradually overstretches spinal ligaments, leading to back and neck pain among other problems. We always encourage patients to maintain a “neutral spine” position at all time is ideal.
What is Proper Standing Posture?
Although standing is something we do every day most of us have never really given the thought of proper standing a second thought. Many people are actually unaware that the way they stand can contribute to their back and neck problems.
Some general rules for proper standing would be to maintain a straight spine rather than slouching to the side avoid slouching forward or hyperextending. Also, keep your chin up with your head centered over the shoulders. Keep the feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart and keep the knees slightly bent. Finally, avoid standing still for long periods of time. Get a seat when you can to break up the standing.